Thursday, May 24, 2007

Waiting (2007)

Oil on canvas (16" x 20")

My wife posed for this painting, depicting a woman looking
out of her dark room into the light of morning, or perhaps
a bright streetlight, waiting for something. Or maybe
just looking out the window as she ponders something else

Friesia Jungle

Oil on canvas (16" x 20")

A loose painting of a bouquet of friesia, taken from part of
a photograph. I like the way the friesia fill the painting
right to the edge, and the strong diagonal lines made by
the blossoms and the negative spaces between them.

The Golden Apple

Oil on canvas (12" x 24")

A somewhat abstract representation of the story of Paris
and the golden apple from Greek mythology, this painting
was completed in just two manic sessions. I started with
no sketch or plan, just an idea of how I wanted to
represent this meeting of gods and men. I am pleased
with the result but haven't been inspired to do one
like this since.

The Morning After

Oil on canvas (20" x 30")

I liked the tranquility of this bedroom scene, and the
contrast of the bright warm sunlight with the cool
shadows beneath the bed and the bathrobe.